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European Business Lawyers EEIG Legal Skills Association, also known as the Legal Skills Attorney Office, has one member office in Finland. It’s called Aasa-Law Ltd and it’s located in Helsinki.

Legal Skills -organization includes attorney offices around the world and the number of partners continues to grow. The Association was founded under EU-jurisdiction, so that the offices included therein form the European Interest Grouping EEIG consortium (EEC 2137/85 and EEIG agreements 14.8.1988, European financial benefit group).

The functional purpose of this attorney consortium is to service clients with issues spanning over various boundaries and countries, or whose cases involve the implementation of particular judicial laws and practices of a specific country in question.

As a member of Legal Skills, Aasa-Law Ltd is better equipped and suited to successfully handle cases that involve judicial know-how of the legal systems of Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Sweden, Germany and Slovakia, Czech Republic and Russia including dealings with the public authorities of these countries. Other member states are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Philippines, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Unites States and Vietnam.

Legal Skills also organizes regular seminars in various countries under their umbrella.  The next seminar will be held in October 2019 in Breslau, Poland.

The purpose of the LS-seminar is to better acquaint members of the Legal Skills group with the operations and law-related issues of its various member countries. Of particular relevance these seminars also give LS-lawyers the opportunity to get to know one another in the interests of better co-operation and better business.

You may familiarize yourself further with Legal Skills at their website

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